Our Teachers
Our Teachers

BPS teachers are faith-filled educators of excellence with a passion for children. Unified by the belief that God created each child with individual gifts that are cultivated best by a loving staff that puts children first, BPS teachers find out who children are first and then equip them with the knowledge and confidence they need to achieve God's plan for their lives.

BPS is committed to the development of Christ-like character in its students. As a means of achieving this goal, BPS employs committed teachers who exemplify the Christ-like character expected of their students. Maintaining behavior consistent with being a Christian role model is foundational to the character of a BPS employee and confirmed by our Doctrinal Statement.
Benjamin Preparatory School Doctrinal Statement:
- The Bible is the inerrant word of God, the Holy Scripture.
- God is triune: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is the only Son of God.
- Mankind is created by God in His own image, for His pleasure and purpose.
- Redemption for our sins is provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The Holy Spirit was sent by God, to be our constant companion, our comforter, guide and teacher for life.
- The church was established by God through Christ. We, the body of adopted children of God, are the church.
- The Great Commission states that we are to teach others about Christ and his salvation.
- The Great Commandment states that we are to love God with all of our heart, soul and mind and to love others as we love ourselves.
- The Second coming of Christ, as foretold by the prophets, will result in Christ establishing His kingdom here on earth.
We believe:
- That there is no true education without the Word of God and that the Word of God is the foundation of all learning.
- That morality and basic ethics principles should be a part of the educational process.
- That all school staff should set an example for students because children naturally imitate adults as their leaders or mentors.
- That communication with God in the form of prayer in school is an essential part of the growth and development of our students.