Christ-Centered Education

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Welcome to Benjamin's Christ-Centered Education Community

We believe in the importance of integrating faith and values into every aspect of learning, creating a well-rounded educational experience that prepares your child for a life of purpose and fulfillment.

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Our Mission

At Benjamin’s Christ-Centered Learning Community, we nurture young minds in a faith-filled environment that prioritizes academic excellence and religious transformation. Our goal is to provide an education based largely on Christian values to ensure that every child excels academically and has a strong foundation of faith and character. We believe that education extends beyond textbooks and lecture halls. It is more about shaping lives, instilling moral values and guiding children to live lives of purpose and achievement. We dedicate ourselves to connecting with our students on this journey, creating an environment where faith and education go hand in hand. We help children develop into confident, compassionate and knowledgeable individuals by equipping them with the skills and intelligence to deal with challenging life situations.

Christ-Centered Curriculum

At Benjamin Christian School academic excellence goes hand-in-hand with faith. We offer a rigorous STEAM+ (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics +) curriculum that equips students with the critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. But we don't stop there. We integrate Christian values throughout our STEAM+ program, fostering a well-rounded education that prepares students to be both intellectually strong and morally grounded.

children in classroom with teacher


We explore the wonders of creation, fostering a sense of awe and appreciation for God's design. Students learn to think critically about scientific discoveries while acknowledging the role of God's existence in the universe.


We emphasize the responsible use of technology, encouraging students to use their skills for good and to help mankind. They learn about the technological world with online safety standards and ethical considerations.



Engineering challenges are framed to reflect Christian principles like service and problem-solving for the betterment of humanity. Students design solutions that address local and global needs.


Artistic expression is used to explore themes of faith, hope, and compassion. Students learn to appreciate the beauty and diversity of God's creation through various artistic mediums.


We cultivate a love of learning through discovery and exploration in mathematics. Students understand the order and logic strengthening their critical thinking skills to understand the different aspects of this Universe.

Plus (+)

The "+" in STEAM+ allows us to incorporate other important subjects like different languages, Biblical Studies, history, or culture.

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Dedicated Faculty

Our teachers are more than just educators; they are passionate role models committed to nurturing the hearts and minds of your child with Christ-centered education.

Highly Qualified

We employ a team of. Child Development Associate (CDA) qualified educators with strong academic backgrounds and a deep understanding of their child care and education.

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Rigorous Screening

All faculty undergo comprehensive background checks and are trained in health and safety protocols ensuring the safety and well-being of our students.

Ongoing Training

We invest in our faculty's continued growth through workshops and training programs to help them utilize positive child guidance techniques that foster a respectful and supportive learning environment.


Gallup Strengths-Based Approach

We leverage the Gallup Strengths Finder to identify each faculty member's strengths for enhanced teaching and childcare. This allows us to create a well-rounded team that can effectively support all students and their individual learning styles.

Community and Services

Benjamin's Christ-centered education, extends beyond the classroom walls, fostering a spirit of compassion and social responsibility within our students.


Service Learning Projects

We integrate service learning projects throughout the curriculum. Students actively engage with community needs, applying their academic knowledge and Christian values to make a positive impact. These projects can address local issues like environmental cleanup or food insecurity, or tackle global challenges through partnerships with international organizations.

Volunteer Opportunities

We provide ample opportunities for students to volunteer their time and talents with local organizations. This allows them to develop a sense of empathy, social awareness, and the importance of giving back to the community.

Family Engagement

We encourage active family participation in service projects and volunteer opportunities. This fosters a sense of shared purpose and strengthens the connection between school, family, and community.


Extra curricular Activities

Beyond academics, we offer a range of extracurricular activities designed to nurture the whole child:


We offer various sports teams, allowing students to develop athleticism, sportsmanship, and teamwork. The focus goes beyond competition, emphasizing healthy living, and fostering a sense of community within the team.

Theatre Productions

Our theatre productions allow students to collaborate on captivating shows that explore a variety of themes, from cultural narratives to inspiring stories that touch on faith and values.

Music Ensembles

Students develop musical talents and express themselves by singing uplifting hymns that celebrate their faith to contemporary music that inspires.

Art & Craft Club

Students can explore their artistic talents through our vibrant arts and craft skills from painting to sculpting and much more.


Good News Desk

Empower students to share their faith through positive announcements, inspirational messages, or organizing events that promote Christian values.

Themed Events

Throughout the year, we celebrate Christian holidays and national events fostering fellowship and a strong sense of community.

Christian Event Celebrations

Major Christian events are celebrated through special chapel services, guest speakers, or service projects related to the specific event.


We understand the importance of afterschool childcare that's conveniently located for busy families. We are situated in, making it easy for parents to pick up their children after work or school activities.

2445 Church Road, Atlanta, GA 30339

Don't settle for just any afterschool program – choose Benjamin for a safe, enriching, and convenient afterschool childcare option near you! We offer a nurturing environment that supports your child's development beyond the classroom. Contact us today to learn more!

Parent Testimonials

We're proud to see the positive impact our program has on children's lives. Here's what some of our happy parents have to say:

Since starting at Benjamin, I've seen a remarkable growth in my daughter's faith. The daily devotions and chapel services have fostered a love for God that resonates in our home life as well.

We were looking for a Christ-centered education that would challenge our son academically while also strengthening his moral compass. Benjamin has delivered on both fronts. He's not only excelling in his classes, but he's also becoming a more compassionate and responsible young man.

MyThe service-learning projects have been a true highlight for our family. Witnessing our daughter actively participate in helping others has instilled a strong sense of community and social responsibility in her.

The teachers at Benjamin genuinely care about each student's academic and spiritual development, and it is reflected in every aspect of the education creating a positive and supportive learning environment.

children in STEAM program


Our facilities are designed to provide students with the space and resources they need to excel academically, explore their faith, and develop as well-rounded individuals.

Modern Classrooms

Our classrooms are bright, and well-equipped, and promote a collaborative learning environment. Technology is integrated seamlessly to enhance instruction, while thoughtfully placed religious iconography serves as a constant reminder of our mission of Christ-centered education.

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Extensive Library

Our library is a haven for students seeking knowledge and quiet reflection. It houses a comprehensive collection of religious texts alongside a broad range of literature, science, and other areas both fostering intellectual curiosity and spiritual exploration.

Enroll Today!

Have questions about our admission process or curriculum? Our friendly admission team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our faculty, facilities, and approach to Christ-centered education, or to enroll your ward.

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We look forward to welcoming you and your family to Benjamin's Christ-centered education community!

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Dedicated Chapel

A dedicated worship space provides a sacred environment for prayer, reflection, and school-wide religious services. This space fosters a sense of community and allows students to connect with their faith on a deeper level.

Supervised Computer Lab

Our supervised computer lab allows students to safely access technology for research, project work, and creativity. Our curriculum emphasizes responsible digital exploration, ensuring safe and healthy technology use.

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Indoor and Outdoor Play Areas

We understand the importance of physical activity and social interaction. Our well-maintained indoor and outdoor play areas provide students with ample space to enjoy recess, engage in team-building activities, and connect with peers in a safe and engaging environment.


The spacious ballroom serves as a multi-purpose facility. It can be used for school assemblies, dramatic productions, special events, and even large group prayer meetings.

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Admission Information

At Benjamin's Christ-centered education School, we welcome students to a nurturing and academically excellent learning environment. Here's an overview of our admissions process:

Open House Events

We highly recommend attending our open house events to learn more about our school, meet our faculty, and experience our vibrant Christ-centered education environment firsthand.

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Online Application

We highly recommend attending our open house events to learn more about our school, meet our faculty, and experience our vibrant Christ-centered education environment firsthand.

Family Interview

Once the application and documents are received, we will invite your family for an interview. This interview is an opportunity for us to get to know your child and family better, and for you to learn more about our Christ-centered approach.


Following the interview process, we will notify you of the admissions decision. If your child is accepted, we will guide you through the fee submission process to secure your child's place in our Christ-centered learning community.

Enroll Now

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Events and Celebrations

Display upcoming events, celebrations, or special services related to the school's Christian foundation.

Share photographs or highlights from past events.

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